Emerging Tech Trends Reshaping the Future of Patient Experience

This blog post is the third in the series "Elevating Patient Experience in 2024" — a comprehensive guide where we discuss the various elements of patient experience, the role of tools like feedback and complaint forms, strategies organisations can implement to create a holistic and positive care experience, MEG's Patient Experience Module, and more. Read the previous blogs here:

  1. Patient-Centered Care: Strategies and Tools for Effective Patient Feedback

  2. Strategies for Success: A Comprehensive Guide to Improving Patient Experience in Healthcare

Digital technology is currently playing a pivotal role in reshaping the healthcare landscape. An increasing number of healthcare organisations are replacing legacy and analog systems with cutting-edge digital solutions, from appointment bookings to groundbreaking robot-assisted surgeries, showcasing the impact of this transformative shift. Reports indicate that the revenue of the global digital healthcare market in 2023 was $180 billion, poised to reach $550 billion over the next five years.

This tech rise is not only revolutionising healthcare globally, but is also fundamentally altering the patient experience, transforming how patients receive care and engage with the healthcare system. Today, technology empowers patients to become active participants in their care and advocate for their well-being, contributing to a patient-centric and holistic healthcare experience, ultimately improving clinical outcomes.

This blog post delves into some of the most prominent and emerging technology trends transforming and improving the patient experience while providing a glimpse of what's to come in the future.

1. Real-time feedback systems

Feedback is a crucial tool that enables healthcare organisations to understand the perspectives of patients and their families, facilitating the delivery of patient-centric care tailored to each individual's needs.

Until a few years ago, a majority of organisations relied on traditional methods like paper or telephone surveys, suggestion boxes, and face-to-face interviews. However, these methods often fell short in terms of scalability, efficiency, and the ability to capture real-time feedback.

Today, thanks to technological advancements, providers can use digital platforms and automated systems to streamline the timely collection of patient feedback and gain direct insights into patient experiences, all in real time. They can also make immediate adjustments to services and care, identify and resolve concerns before escalation, and ultimately strengthen the patient-provider relationship.

MEG's Feedback Tool

MEG provides a digital solution that enables healthcare providers to collect real-time patient, family, and staff feedback through fully-customisable surveys across multiple channels such as mobile devices, email, website, and SMS. Patient Experience and Quality Improvement teams can access all survey data from a centralised dashboard, analyse trends and opportunities for growth, allocate resources effectively, and make data-driven decisions on future policies and improvement initiatives. The predictive analytics capabilities of the tool also allow healthcare professionals to forecast potential issues or areas of concern and proactively address them.

Future Outlook

As technology advances, the integration of Artificial Intelligence (AI), predictive analysis, and Natural Language Processing (NLP) will enable a more sophisticated analysis of real-time feedback, enabling healthcare providers to anticipate patient needs and preferences. This, in turn, will allow them to deliver more personalised care, ultimately enhancing the overall patient experience.

2. Telehealth and Virtual Care

The COVID-19 pandemic accelerated the adoption of telehealth and virtual care like never before, allowing patients to access healthcare services from the comfort of their own homes. Telehealth provides a plethora of advantages, mainly convenience and improved accessibility, efficiency, and flexibility. Some ways technology has supported this include:

  • Wearable devices and remote monitoring tools allow healthcare providers to monitor patients with chronic conditions, collect real-time health data, and intervene promptly when needed.

  • Electronic health records (EHRs) grant healthcare professionals seamless access to patient information during virtual consultations, empowering them to make well-informed decisions based on readily available medical history.

  • Dedicated telehealth apps and platforms act as a centralised hub for patients to easily schedule appointments, access prescriptions, and receive follow-up care, contributing to a streamlined care experience.

  • Automated appointment reminders reduce wait times and improve communication, leading to a more positive patient experience.

Future Outlook

The future of telehealth will include more significant technological advancements using Artificial Intelligence, Augmented Reality, and Virtual Reality. Wearable devices and sensors for real-time monitoring of health parameters, virtual health assistants, symptom interpretation using AI, remote surgery assistance, and immersive therapy and psychiatry services are some developments to look forward to.

3. Personalised Medicine

Personalised medicine is an emerging revolutionary approach to healthcare that tailors medical treatment according to the unique characteristics of each patient. This is done by understanding the individual's genetic makeup and biomarkers, using data analytics and machine learning algorithms to analyse the different parameters, and developing tailored treatments that are more effective.

This cutting-edge technology can significantly impact patient experience by improving treatment efficacy, minimising adverse effects, and empowering patients to participate actively in healthcare decisions.

Future Outlook

Despite being in its early stages, personalised medicine shows great promise, with advancements such as a deeper understanding of genetics, AI for advanced data analysis, targeted gene and immunotherapies, and the rise of less invasive treatment options. The early identification of genetic predispositions will further strengthen preventive and predictive healthcare models.


Today, digital health technology plays a crucial role in reshaping the entire patient experience. Embracing tools like real-time feedback systems, telehealth, and automation allows healthcare providers to not just adapt to the ever-evolving healthcare landscape but also ensure that patient experience is at the forefront of everything that they do.