VTE Risk Assessment Audit

VTE Risk Assessment - Overview Report

What is VTE?

Hospital-acquired Venous Thromboembolisms (VTEs) is the most common preventable cause of in-hospital death. In the UK, for instance, 60% of all VTEs are hospital-associated, costing the NHS approximately £200 million.

Assessing patients’ risk of VTE and bleeding and choosing the appropriate thromboprophylaxis for them early in their hospital admission reduces their risk of developing a blood clot. According to NICE guidelines (NG89) in the UK, risk assessments should be performed on all patients on admission.

In recent times, COVID-19 has become associated with a high risk of VTE among hospitalised patients, further reinforcing the need for regular monitoring of assessment performance.

Why use it?

MEG’s new VTE Risk Assessment Audit can be used to better understand the strengths and weaknesses of your hospital’s performance (in carrying out timely and appropriate VTE risk assessments) and allow clinical leads and risk owners to formulate action plans in MEG’s QIP tool to close these gaps.

How to use it?

Start VTE Risk Assessment Audit

(Just click to get started.)

The audit it accessible on any mobile or desktop device and users can breeze through audit workflow with easy click, swipe scroll and actions, and by making use of the time saving shortcut buttons.

shortcut buttons - vte risk assessment audit

(‘Yes to All’ and ‘N/A to All’ shortcut buttons)

Add links to relevant reference material like guidelines or SOPs, so everything needed to complete the audit is located in one place.

vte audit - access guidelines

(Embed links for easy access to reference material, privately hosted or public domain.)

Customisable Reporting

(Customisable reporting dashboards)

As always, reports are designed to be easily customised by nominated hospital admins (usually team leads/senior management) and can be filtered by date, ward, auditor, staff category, procedure observed etc. Data is also able to be exported in multiple formats.

Widgets can display data in a wide variety of formats, including: overall compliance scores, bar charts, pie charts, line charts, heatmaps - whatever you need to easily interpret results and gain insights fast. Dive deeper into the widget metrics by clicking on them:

VTE Assessment Reports 2

(Breakdown of VTE Risk Factors)


(Breakdown of Compliance with VTE Guidelines)

Request more information about this Audit tool or enquire about using it in your organisation: